The Galactic Deterministic Framework (GDF), envisioned by Ashu Gaur, offers an unparalleled exploration of the soul’s journey, its mechanics, and its interaction with karmic imprints and celestial forces. This groundbreaking hypothesis bridges scientific principles, Vedic spiritual knowledge, and quantum physics, decoding the Soul Particle State (SPS) as it transitions through universal cycles of birth, life, death, and reprogramming.

At its core, the framework introduces a frequency-based model, where the soul’s unaltered essence resonates with the Galactic Core Frequency (GC-F). This resonance interacts with Karmic Modulation (KM), Celestial Forces (CF), and Earth Frequencies (EF), shaping life experiences while maintaining the soul’s eternal vibrational integrity. By integrating deterministic cycles and karmic variability, the GDF delivers a unified understanding of human life, reincarnation, astrology, and karmic continuity, making it a transformative approach to the mysteries of existence.

✨ Join the Journey to Decode the Soul’s Purpose ✨

Are you a seeker, researcher, or spiritual enthusiast looking to explore the profound interplay of cosmic, celestial, and human life? Be part of a revolutionary collaboration with Ashu Gaur, the visionary behind the Galacto-AspKom and Galactic Deterministic Framework (GDF-AspKom).

Together, let’s unravel the mysteries of life, align with the universe’s intelligent design, and redefine spiritual exploration with cutting-edge insights from quantum astrology and deterministic frameworks.

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Connect with Ashu Gaur today to contribute your expertise or explore the deeper purpose of existence. Let’s make the most intelligent spiritual move together!

Soul Particle State (SPS) and Duality

The soul, as conceptualized in the framework, exists in a dual state:

  1. Quantum State (QS): The soul’s unaltered, eternal form aligned with the Galactic Core.
  2. Material Interaction (MI): The soul’s modulated state, influenced by karmic imprints, celestial dynamics, and life experiences.

While the core QS remains immutable, the MI state interacts with deterministic (cosmic) and variable (karmic) forces. These interactions define the soul’s frequency cycles across life and transition phases.

The Frequency Cycle Across Life Phases

The frequency cycle of the soul transitions through distinct phases: Soul Focal Point (SFP), Cosmic Birth Point (CBP), Soul Transition Point (STP), and Reprogramming Phase (RP). Each phase reflects a unique interplay of cosmic and karmic forces, represented by specific equations.

✨ Galactic Deterministic Framework ✨ Calculate Soul Energy Frequency Across Quantum States

Exploring the Vibrations of Life, Death, Liberation, and Reprogramming

Formula: Soul Energy Frequency (Hypothetical)

    fs = GC-F * (1 + k * KM) + EF + CF - ΔKM

fs: Soul Frequency
GC-F: Galactic Core Frequency (Baseline Resonance)
k: Cosmic Scaling Constant
KM: Karmic Imprints
EF: Earth Resonance (e.g., Schumann Frequency)
CF: Cosmic and Celestial Influences
ΔKM: Resolved Karmic Energy

✨ Summary: Soul Frequency States ✨

  • Soul Focal Point (SFP): Interaction of Galactic and Karmic Vibrations at Conception
  • Cosmic Birth Point (CBP): Peak Frequency Alignment with Celestial Forces at Birth
  • Life Interaction Phase (CBP-STP): Modulated by Karmic Resolution and Earth Resonance
  • Transition Point (STP): Vibrational Dissipation with Residual Karmic Energy
  • Reprogramming Phase (STP-SFP): Realignment with Galactic Core, Preparing for Next Cycle

📬 Let’s Collaborate and Share Thoughts

Have insights, questions, or thoughts about the Galactic Deterministic Framework (GDF-aspkom) or the Galacto-aspkom Framework? Connect with Ashu Gaur at: |

Be part of a cosmic journey, exploring the intersection of spirituality, science, and the universe.

Phase 1: Soul Focal Point (SFP)

The SFP represents the initialization of the soul’s interaction with a life form, beginning at conception (zygote formation). Here, the soul aligns with its Galactic Core Frequency (GC-F) and karmic imprints from previous cycles.

fs_SFP = GC-F * (1 + k * KM)
  • Explanation:
    • fs_SFP is the frequency at SFP.
    • GC-F reflects the unaltered vibrational essence of the Galactic Core.
    • k is a scaling constant for galactic influence.
    • KM represents the karmic imprints carried forward.

At this phase, the SPS partially collapses into an MI state, modulating its pure frequency to align with the new material life form.

Phase 2: Gestational Phase (SFP-CBP)

Between SFP and CBP, the soul begins interacting with Celestial Forces (CF) and Earth Frequencies (EF). These forces imprint additional variability on the soul’s vibrational field, setting the stage for life experiences.

fs_Gest = fs_SFP + SUM(fc_i * W_i)
  • Explanation:
    • fs_Gest is the frequency during gestation.
    • fc_i represents the contributions from individual celestial bodies.
    • W_i is the weight assigned to each celestial influence.

Phase 3: Cosmic Birth Point (CBP)

At CBP, the soul reaches peak MI interaction as it assumes a physical body. The natal chart encodes the CF and EF influences, which guide the life’s karmic trajectory.

fs_CBP = fs_SFP + SUM(fc_i * W_i)

Phase 4: Life Interaction (CBP-STP)

During life, the soul resolves karmic imprints while navigating emotional, psychological, and biological experiences. The frequency decreases as karmic energy is resolved.

fs_Life = fs_CBP - Delta_KM
  • Explanation:
    • Delta_KM reflects the cumulative karmic energy resolved during life.

Phase 5: Soul Transition Point (STP)

At death, the soul decouples from the material body, retaining Residual Vibrations (RV). The unresolved karmic energy is carried forward into the next cycle.

fs_STP = GC-F * (1 - KM_resolved)

Phase 6: Reprogramming Phase (STP-SFP)

Between STP and the next SFP, the soul undergoes Reprogramming (RP) at the Galactic Core, preserving residual karmic imprints while aligning with the next cycle.

fs_RP = GC-F * (1 + k * KM_residual)

The Galactic Deterministic Framework by Ashu Gaur provides a comprehensive model for the soul’s quantum mechanics and deterministic cycles. By integrating quantum states, frequency dynamics, and cosmic forces, this framework unites the spiritual and scientific realms, offering a unique perspective on the soul’s eternal journey.

Galactic Deterministic Framework: Soul Frequency Calculations

“Exploring the Soul’s Quantum States at Galactic Core, Birth, and Transition”

Key Formulas

  • Galactic Core Frequency (Unaltered State):
    fGC = GC-F
  • Cosmic Birth Point (CBP):
    fCBP = fGC × (1 + k × KM) + EF
  • Soul Transition Point (STP):
    fSTP = fGC × (1 – KMresolved)


1. Galactic Core Frequency (Unaltered State): The unaltered soul frequency is aligned with the Galactic Core and calculated as: fGC = GC-F, where GC-F = 1.51 × 109 Hz (hypothetical).

2. Cosmic Birth Point (CBP): At birth, the soul interacts with Karmic Imprints (KM), Earth Resonance (EF), and Celestial Forces (CF): fCBP = fGC × (1 + k × KM) + EF Substituting: GC-F = 1.51 × 109, k = 1.0, KM = 0.75, EF = 7.83 Hz. Result: fCBP = 2.6425 × 109 Hz.

3. Soul Transition Point (STP): At death, the resolved karmic energy reduces the modulation factor: fSTP = fGC × (1 – KMresolved) Substituting: GC-F = 1.51 × 109, KMresolved = 0.50. Result: fSTP = 1.8875 × 109 Hz.

Results Summary

Phase Frequency (Hz) Description
Galactic Core (GC) 1.51 × 109 Unaltered soul frequency aligned with the Galactic Core.
Cosmic Birth Point (CBP) 2.6425 × 109 Frequency modulated by karma and Earth resonance at birth.
Soul Transition Point (STP) 1.8875 × 109 Residual frequency during transition back to the Galactic Core.

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